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How to: Remove and install moving deck cable - pinsetter maintenance Garage Bowling Alley #A2 #bowl
Moving deck cable removal and install plus a look at the scissor cable on a Brunswick pinsetter GBA
Brunswick A2 pinsetter lower moving deck cable replacement.
Memphis explains moving deck cable
Moving Deck Cable #20 - Brunswick Pinsetter Adjustment
Adjusting, or rather correcting the moving deck cable on 20
Brunswick A2 Deck Jam Clear
Making your pins spot really well - Part 4 - Brunswick pinsetter maintenance - Garage Bowling Alley
Making your pins spot really well - Part 1 - Brunswick pinsetter maintenance Garage Bowling Alley
Brunswick A2 Pinsetter Shaker Board Mount Repair | Bowlfix
Brunswick A2 Rake Board Height Adjustment | BowlFix
Different ways to cycle the Brunswick A/A2 pinsetter